Friday, September 10, 2010

Table of Delphi keywords and Descriptions

Table of Delphi keywords and Descriptions

Delphi Keywords

Table of Delphi keywords and Descriptions. Delphi was a language developed by the Borland Corporation in the 1990’s. It is an object oriented language that resembles Pascal. The Delphi keywords reflect it’s origins as an off shoot of the Pascal language. The following Delphi keywords are the building blocks of the programming language. A Delphi program is constructed by creating a syntactically and procedurally correct program file that can be compiled by the Delphi compiler.

Code Description
And Boolean and or bitwise and of two arguments
Array A data type holding indexable collections of data
As Used for casting object references
Begin Keyword that starts a statement block
Case A mechanism for acting upon different values of an Ordinal
Class Starts the declaration of a type of object class
Const Starts the definition of fixed data values
Constructor Defines the method used to create an object from a class
Destructor Defines the method used to destroy an object
Div Performs integer division, discarding the remainder
Do Defines the start of some controlled action
DownTo Prefixes an decremental for loop target value
Else Starts false section of if, case and try statements
End Keyword that terminates statement blocks
Except Starts the error trapping clause of a Try statement
File Defines a typed or untyped file
Finally Starts the unconditional code section of a Try statement
For Starts a loop that executes a finite number of times
Function Defines a subroutine that returns a value
Goto Forces a jump to a label, regardless of nesting
If Starts a conditional expression to determine what to do next
Implementation Starts the implementation (code) section of a Unit
In Used to test if a value is a member of a set
Inherited Used to call the parent class constructor or destructor method
Interface Used for Unit external definitions, and as a Class skeleton
Is Tests whether an object is a certain class or ascendant
Mod Performs integer division, returning the remainder
Not Boolean Not or bitwise not of one arguments
Object Allows a subroutine data type to refer to an object method
Of Linking keyword used in many places
On Defines exception handling in a Try Except clause
Or Boolean or or bitwise or of two arguments
Packed Compacts complex data types into minimal stor
Procedure Defines a subroutine that does not return a value
Program Defines the start of an application
Property Defines controlled access to class fields
Raise Raise an exception
Record A structured data type - holding fields of data
Repeat Repeat statements until a ternmination condition is met
Set Defines a set of up to 255 distinct values
Shl Shift an integer value left by a number of bits
Shr Shift an integer value right by a number of bits
Then Part of an if statement - starts the true clause
ThreadVar Defines variables that are given separate instances per thread
To Prefixes an incremental for loop target value
Try Starts code that has error trapping
Type Defines a new category of variable or process
Unit Defines the start of a unit file - a Delphi module
Until Ends a Repeat control loop
Uses Declares a list of Units to be imported
Var Starts the definition of a section of data variables
While Repeat statements whilst a continuation condition is met
With A means of simplifying references to structured variables
Xor Boolean Xor or bitwise Xor of two arguments

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