Downloading a File with a Save As Dialog in ASP.NET
Normally when you link a file that file will always display inside of the browser because the browser loads it and automatically determines the content type based on the file extension. So when you click on a link like a jpg image the browser knows it's an image and will display that image. You can of course always use the browser short cut menu and use the Save Target As option to save the file to disk.
If you want to do this automatically when a link is clicked from the server side, you have to send the file back yourself rather and add a couple of custom headers to the output. The way to do this is to use Response.TransmitFile() to explicitly send the file from your ASP.NET application and then add the Content Type and Content-Disposition headers.
For example:
Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg";
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition","attachment; filename=SailBig.jpg");
Response.TransmitFile( Server.MapPath("~/images/sailbig.jpg") );
This of course assumes you're feeding a file that already exists. If you need to feed dynamically generated - say an image that was generated in memory - you can use Response.BinaryWrite() to stream a byte array or write the output directly in Response.OutputStream.
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